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Bio-identical Harmone Replacement Therapy

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy What are your choices? Over-the-counter, there are products containing phytoestrogens, and topical products containing low-dose progesterone. These will provide temporary relief in PMS, perimenopausal, and menopausal symptoms. Long-term benefits and improved health can be achieved through Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, a prescription alternative.


What is Bio-identical Equivalent Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Biologically Equivalent Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is a prescription alternative to conventional hormone replacement therapy (conjugated estrogens, medroxyprogesterone, etc.). Bioidentical medications are plant-derived, and chemically changed in a laboratory until they are identical to what your body would naturally produce. BHRT is customized for each individual and their personal needs. It can be adjusted to fit your needs, unlike conventional HRT, which has a few standard dosage strengths.

What are the goals of BHRT?
Help to alleviate symptoms caused by the natural decrease in hormone production in the body. Work towards Reestablishing the individual's hormonal balance.

Estrogen remains the most effective treatment for relief of troublesome menopausal hot flashes and night sweats. It can also ease vaginal symptoms of menopause, such as dryness, itching, burning and discomfort with intercourse.

Women who take estrogen for short-term relief of menopausal symptoms may gain some protection against the following conditions:

- Osteoporosis. Studies show that hormone therapy can prevent the bone loss that occurs after menopause, which decreases the risk of osteoporosis-related hip fractures.
- Colorectal cancer. Studies show that hormone therapy can decrease the risk of colorectal cancer.
- Heart disease. Some data suggest that estrogen can decrease risk of heart disease when taken early in your postmenopausal years. A randomized, controlled clinical trial — the Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study (KEEPS) — exploring estrogen use and heart disease in younger postmenopausal women is under way, but it won't be completed for several years.
For women who undergo menopause naturally, estrogen is typically prescribed as part of a combination therapy of estrogen and progestin. This is because estrogen without progestin can increase the risk of uterine cancer. Women who undergo menopause as the result of a hysterectomy can take estrogen alone.


Life Worth Living BHRT

Life Worth Living's Compounding Lab prepares customized formulations which are designed for each patient's specific needs; based on hormonal diagnostic testing and the prescription orders of their practitioners. Many different dosage forms are available, depending on the patient's preference and the specific condition being treated. Our staff well versed in preparing these medications; continuing education keeps our staff informed of the latest and most innovative trends in hormone therapies. We have exceptionally high standards; with an emphasis on quality products and second-to-none customer service!

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